Monday, February 10, 2014

Yoga Girl and Free Eggs

WINNER: We have a winner of our ETSY: timetoherb Gift Basket.  CONGRATS to Klawson51.  Please message or email me your name and address and your gift will be on its way.

It's so cold here that I am just sitting here and getting fatter and lazier!  So I keep thinking of doing yoga, painting yoga pictures, but not getting off my butt this week to practice actual YOGA.  So hopefully once I am through with this blog, I will get right on it!  For Real.
We have been very, very busy at Time to Thyme.  We have had a LOT of internet orders off of our T3 website.  This has been so exciting for us and we are so grateful to everyone who has ordered.  Most of the orders seem to be Colleen Hoover Collection fans.  Keep on ordering Cohorts.  We love you. We are adding a new soap to this line called "Sky's Stars".  Those of you who are CoHo fans will know why we chose that name.  We have not put our Tea Line on the website yet, as we are waiting for spring.  But if anyone wants to order any Teas, just email us and we will get with you about the Teas we have available.

I have been watching that Joel Osteen preacher on TV the past month or so.  I usually watch the Veria channel, but I just don't like those morning exercise programs on there so I just have my TV on channel 4 each morning as I run around the house, and he happens to come on Sunday mornings.  Well, I just figured out why I love him so much.  He preaches "The Secret".  Seriously.  Everyone of his sermons are straight out of that book.  It's crazy.  But It's so true, everything he says.  God will give you what you claim and thank him for.  The Universe answers to either your positivity or your negativity.  I just never thought of it from a  biblical standpoint before.  So I will think positive thoughts every minute of the day. I am getting skinny.  I love Yoga.  Thank you God for my drive to do yoga everyday.  And running.  And eating healthy. And for that $8000 check I know you are sending me. Thank you for all our orders.

I want to give you all the links to order any products that you may need.  Remember on our ETSY site you get FREE shipping and handling.  I also have a bunch of eggs in my fridge, if you want some.  Just come get 'em.
ETSY: timetoherb
ETSY: ZenYogaArt

Thyme to yoga,

1 comment:

  1. omg… thank you so much! I'm emailing you my address! <3
