Tuesday, September 29, 2015

What You Need to Know About Therapeutic Properties


Therapeutic properties: 
     1. Having or exhibiting healing powers.
     2. Of or relating to the medical treatment of a disease or condition.
I love these definitions about therapeutic properties.  The first definition has my favorite word..."powers."  We can all use some power when dealing with an ailment.  The 2nd definition lets you know that it is indeed treating that condition.  The therapeutic properties inherent in plants, trees, fruits, etc. were given to us by God to use on this Earth for treatment of every disease under the sun.  God knew that man could not survive the billions of germs, viruses, accidents and other factors on this planet without some sort of protection.  When we look at the healing properties of essential oils, we are looking at the power given to us by God to protect ourselves and our loved ones.

What Are the Therapeutic Properties?
The therapeutic properties have names such as anti-inflammatory, which means that this particular substance reduces inflammation.  I have compiled a list of the most commonly used properties and their definitions for your easy usage.  Below is a list of what each of the therapeutic properties mean.  This list is from a great essential oil learning site: www.nourishingtreasures.com This site is dedicated solely to teaching others about the benefits of essential oils.  I urge you to check it out.  If you go to this site, you will also see on this list essential oils that work for each of the therapeutic properties.

Alterative/Adaptogen – restores the body to health
Analgesic/Anesthetic – relieves or stops pain
Antacid – neutralizes acid (usually for the stomach)
Anthelminthic/Vermifuge – destroys worms and parasites and removes them from the digestive system
Anti-allergenic – reduces allergy symptoms
Anti-androgenic – works against testosterone or androsterone
Anti-anxiety – relieves or prevents anxiety and fearAnti-asthmatic – relieves or stops asthmatic symptoms, such as constriction and wheezing
Antibiotic/Antibacterial/Bactericide/Disinfectant – destroys bacteria
Anti-coagulant – prevents coagulation (usually in the blood)
Antidepressant/Antisudorific – relieves or prevents depression
Anti-dontalgic – relieves tooth pain
Antidiarrheal – relieves or stops diahrrea
Anti-edematous – relieves or prevents excessive fluid accumulation
Antiemetic – prevents or stops nausea and vomiting
Antifungal – destroys or prevents fungal growth
Antihypertensive – reduces hypertension (high blood pressure)
Anti-inflammatory – reduces inflammation
Anti-irritant – reduces irritation
Amtimicrobial/Antiseptic – prevents microbial growth Anti-neuralgic/Nervine/Neurotonic – soothes the nerves
Antioxidant – prevents oxidation and protects against the damage done by free radicals
Antiparasitic/Parasiticide – destroys parasites
Antophlogistic – reduces inflammation or fever
Antipyretic/Febrifuge – reduces or prevents high fever
Anti-rheumatic – reduces pain associated with rheumatism
Anti-scorbutic – prevents or relieves scurvy
Antispasmodic – prevents or relieves spasms
Antitussive/Bechic – relieves coughs
Antitumoral – destroys tumors
Antiviral – destroys viruses
Aperitive – stimulates the appetiteAphrodisiac – stimulates libido
Astringent – constricts tissues or pores
Bronchodilator – widens bronchial tubes to make breathing easier
Cardiotonic – helpful to the heart
Carminative – relieves or eliminates gas from the body
CNS Depressant/Sedatives/Tranquilizers – calms the brain and central nervous system (CNS)
Cholagogue – promotes bile flow
Choleretic – promotes secretion of bile from liver
Cicatrisant – promotes wound healing and tissue formation
Circulatory Stimulant – stimulates circulatory system
Cytotoxic – toxic to cells
Decongestant - relieves congestion
Demulcent – soothing, especially for throats
Deodorant – destroys or minimizes odors
Diaphoretic – promotes perspiration
Diuretic – promotes urine output
Emmenagogue – promotes menstrual flow and regulation
Expectorant – promotes expulsion of mucous from respiratory tract
Galactogogue – promotes lactation
Hemostat – stops bleeding
Hepatoprotective – liver-protecting
Hepatotoxic – liver-damaging
Hypertensive – increases blood pressure
Hypoglycemant – lowers blood sugar levels
Hypotensive – decreases blood pressure
Laxative – stimulates the bowels to relieve constipation
Lithotriptic – destroys kidney and/or bladder stones
Narcotic – alters mood, induces sleep, and relieves pain
Oestrogenic – estrogen-like properties
Phototoxic – causes the skin to become susceptible to burning
Sedative – able to calm or sedate
Soporific – causes sleep
Spasmolytic/Antispasmodic – prevents spasmsSudorific – promotes sweating
Vasoconstrictor – promotes high blood pressure by causing blood vessels to narrow
Vasodilator – promotes low blood pressure by causing blood vessels to open
Vermifuge/Anthelminthic – destroys worms and parasites and removes them from the digestive system
Vulnerary – promotes wound healing

Knowledge Is Power
Learning and becoming familiar with which essential oils have which properties can benefit you, your family and everyone you help in the future.  You can readily tell Aunt Sue that tea tree has anti-infectious properties and that it will help that cut on her arm.  You will let your mother know that rubbing a little lavender on her steam burn will help to reduce the pain and scarring from its vulnerary properties. Having a little knowledge about therapeutic properties will ultimately give you the power to heal.

Print this list out.  Work on memorizing these properties, so that in the future when you hear about a particular oil having a therapeutic property, you will know, understand, and catalogue it away for future use.

much healing to you,
Earth's Healing staff

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Are All Essential Oils Created Equally?

NO, and no and once again, NO!  Essential oils are not all the same.  This may not be politically correct to think some are superior to others, but they are!
Welcome to Training Tuesday.  Today I would like to talk about the difference in the brands of essential oils and to give you a few of our favorites.
There is as wide of a variety in the ingredients in each essential oil as there are essential oils.  Of course you always want to get a therapeutic brand of essential oils, and 100% pure oils, if possible and when possible.  In some instances, for example, rose oil, you would more than likely get a blend, but it is way to expensive to buy 100% pure rose oil.  I, myself, have never even owned one drop of pure rose essential oil.

How Do I Know If My Oil Is Pure?
Read the labels, study about essential oils and check up on the websites.  Sometimes, just because an oil is expensive, does not necessarily mean that it is good.  The very best essential oils are the ones that you trust and know about.  Knowledge is power.  Learn the different brands.  While it is true that it may be 100% lemon oil, are they using the rind? The juice? The tree? The roots? The leaves?  This is where your research comes in to play.

Who Do I Trust?
I have been using and studying essential oils for a very long time.  Some of the top of the line essential oils I have found are Florihana, Nature's Gift, Elizabeth Van Buren, Sun Rose Aromatics, Native American.  I love these oils so much, even though they are pricey, I know I am getting oils obtained from the region in which these plants are indigenous, and they are peaked and processed at exactly the right time.  I never question these companies as I know I am always getting not only therapeutic 100% essential oils, but I am getting "clinical" grade essential oils.  These are some oils I would not diffuse or put on a bead.  I use these oils strictly for medicinal purposes.


Sometimes I Buy Cheap Oils
Yes, you heard me correctly.  I love a cheap $3 bottle of orange essential oil.  I use it in my diffuser and on my essential oil jewelry.  I have tons of cheap oils that I buy from craft shows, friends and drugstores.  They are great for using as a fragrance, because usually, the only therapeutic property you can get out of a cheap essential oil is aromatic. You can pick up almost any brand of essential oil and it will say "100% pure essential oils."  And it is true....but some of those essential oils may be sesame oil, olive oil or mineral oil, or parts of the plant that have no therapeutic properties at all.

  Think about this; you buy meat from the store.  You may buy steak, hamburger, or hot dogs.  In most cases, you can look at them all as being 100% meat.  But you know that they may consider meat to be skin, ligaments, tissues that you don't generally want to eat....but it is all meat!
The same thing can be said about essential oils.  They may be 100% essential oils, but are they from the peak part of the plant?  For example, if you want rose oil, you may get beautiful oil from the petals, or you may get the distillation of the leaves, stems and roots.  But they are BOTH 100% essential oil from roses.

A Box is a Box is a Box
True...but it's what's inside the box that matters.  We have monthly subscription boxes available to the public each month that have top of the line essential oils, recipes, various blends, EO jewelry, educational materials, free gifts and various essential oil tools included.  Each month may contain a variety of surprises, but one thing that is consistent in our monthly boxes is the top notch essential oils each month.  We will never, ever buy less than perfect essential oils to send to our customers.  Check out our website and our facebook page.  This might be just what you are looking for.

In Conclusion...
So experiment, buy three different types of tea tree or whatever oil you like.  Are they similar in color? Do they smell the same? Which one works and which one doesn't?  Keep a log of your experiences.  But by all means, continue using your "not so good" oils along with your excellent oils, just use them for something besides clinical/medicinal purposes.
Often times if you email or message companies and ask them for some samples of their essential oils, they will send them to you, free of charge, like a few of my samples below.  Just tell them what you are looking for and in a couple of weeks you will get a package in the mail with oils in it that you may never be able to afford buying a whole bottle of.  Keep learning, keep practicing and keep on oiling!
Much health to you,
Earth's Healing staff

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

How Do I Use My Oils?

Tuesday Training Blog
Hi essential oil lovers!  Today we are going to talk about how to use all of those lovely oils once you have them.  There are as many different variations on each of the ways to use oils as there are oils.  I am going to give you the basic recipes how I like to use them.  You will find in your own research that you may like to use more essential oil, or carrier oil, or beeswax, or cornstarch or any of the ingredients.  You may find that you like less.  That is one of the great things about using essential oils.  You get to have so much fun discovering how exactly you and each of your friends and family members like to use your products.  I am going to give you a run down and some of the most basic ways I like to use the oils in various recipes.  You may tweak them however you like!

Essential Oil Bath
I like to add about 15 - 20 drops of essential oils to my bathwater.  I usually take a shower for cleanliness reasons, so a bath is usually when I really need to de-stress or calm down.  I choose oils specifically for that purpose, such as lavender or clary sage. I also usually add a tablespoon of milk to my bathwater so that the oils will not cling to the top of the water, but the milk will actually make the oils disperse throughout the water.  I love hot baths and showers, but when using essential oils, I try to make the water somewhat cooler so that the extreme hot temperatures won't damage the oils.  Then I just sink myself into the bath, making sure I have a glass of wine and and candle, and let the water and oils do their magic.  I think I will take one right now.  BRB.
A tiny bit of a lavender sample left after having taken my bath.  Heaven!


I like to use compresses for stomach aches, bruises and hurt bones and muscles.  Take any type of linen cloth.  Wet the cloth and wring it out well.  Apply 5-10 drops of essential oils mixed with 1/2 teaspoon of carrier oil to the cloth.  Place on affected area and leave for 15-30 minutes, or until cloth temperature is uncomfortable.  This is great to use on a hurt back, too.  I have used a compress for neck strains, tendonitis, eczema, and so many other ailments.  I just research which essential oil is best for that ailment and make a compress out of it.  I think you will find this little tip very handy in the future.

It is very easy to make your own massage oil.  Do you want the massage to end pain? Comfort you? Relax you? Give you energy? Lead to hanky lanky?  Well, then just look up the oil that is best for that ailment.  Using a 2 ounce squeeze bottle, fill it about 1/2 full of carrier oil.  Then simply add 10-20 drops of essential oil to the bottle, shake well and apply to hands.  Massage away!  The skin is a great absorber of essential oils.  Each cell in the body will have evidence of essential oils in them after only a few minutes of applying to the skin.  This is probably the most widely used way that people use essential oils.

These are just 3 of the easiest ways to use essential oils.  Read last Tuesdays blog for tips on carrier oils, and next Tuesday will be more ways to use essential oils.  Don't forget to like our facebook page and our website.  Our essential oil boxes did very well this month and we can't wait to get them mailed out to you.  I am personally excited for the feed back because I am sure you are going to love our Earth's Healing Boxes.
Much healing to you,
The Earth's healing staff


Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Carrier Oils...What are They?

Training Tuesday/ Carrier Oils

Today I am sharing my research and experimentation on carrier Oils.  Most recipes and blends that you might want to try with your essential oils always include a certain amount of carrier oils.  These are oils used to dilute the powerful essential oil and "carry" it into the skin where the essential oil can work its therapeutic properties for healing and various reasons.

Grape seed oil used as carrier oil in a recipe

When essential oils are used without a carrier oil, they can cause rashes, burning and other adverse effects.  Carrier oils dilute the essential oils until they can be applied directly to the skin without causing reactions.  

Carrier oils come in a variety of colors, thickness, price range and effectiveness.  You can choose whichever carrier oil you feel works best with your skin, budget and essential oils.

Choosing A Carrier Oil
When I first began using essential oils, about the only other oil that was readily available at my grocery store was olive oil.  I used that for years, but didn't like the absorbability, odor or color of the olive oil.  Other oils have become more affordable and frequented store shelves more often.  I experimented with all sorts of carrier oils and found the ones that work best for me, my skin and my budget.

It's best to use carrier oils that are cold pressed, have very little odor and are not blended.  Some of my favorite carrier oils are listed below:
  • Apricot Kernel Oil
  • Avocado Oil
  • Calendula Oil
  • Evening Primrose Oil
  • Grape Seed Oil
  • Jojoba Oil
  • Olive Oil
  • Rose Hip Oil
  • Sesame Oil
  • Sunflower Oil
  • Sweet Almond Oil
  • Vitamin E Oil

Which Oil Is Best?
I have used all of the above mentioned oils at various times for different reasons.  Just because an oil works well with me doesn't mean you will get the same results. Try them out.  Smell them.  Feel them to find which ones work best for you.  I really like to add vitamin E oil or evening primrose oil to all of my recipes as they act as a preservative and will keep my blends from going rancid.  They are also great for the skin.
I like to use both apricot kernel oil and/or avocado oil for my facial recipes as they are light, non-greasy and work well with wrinkles.
I use sesame oils and sometimes olive oil as a very thick massage oil.  They do the trick of spreading my essential oils over the body and letting my massage sessions linger.  These are also a favorite of mine for chest rubs that include decongestant essential oils.
My personal favorite carrier oil is grape seed oil.  It is colorless, odorless and thin enough to be absorbed readily without leaving an oily, greasy feeling on the skin.  Grape seed oil is affordable for me and I use it quite often in most of my healing recipes.

Storage and Shelf Life of Carrier Oils
Before buying a carrier oil, you will want to check with each type to see how long the shelf life is.  Coconut oil, for example, may have a much shorter shelf life than olive oil.  In this case, you would want to buy small quantities of the coconut oil, and larger quantities of the olive oil.  Store your carrier oils and essential oils in a dark area, that is not lit by the sun.  Keep the oils away from heated areas and make sure that the container lids are on well, tight, or taped.

Essential oils capped, taped, and ready for a dark cabinet

Caring properly for your essential oils and carrier oils will bring you a lifetime of benefit.  As always, keep all your oils out of the reach of children and pets.  Store everything in a safe, dark area, away from extreme temperature changes.  Experiment with your oils, and enjoy!

Earth's Healing Boxes
Each month Earth's Healing will introduce 3 new essential oils, one blended container of an essential oil remedy, recipe cards for the month's essential oils, educational materials, free gifts and various items related to aromatherapy.  This subscription box is available through our website:


much healing to you,
Earth's Healing Staff

Sunday, September 6, 2015


Hey essential oil lovers!
The Launch!

We finally have everything ready to make up all these delicious little essential oil boxes for our brilliant subscribers.  The Earth's Healing Boxes are chock full of essential oils, blends, recipes, educational materials and even FREE GIFTS!  So you are some LUCKY people to have gotten in our very first box.
We want to thank all of you that have already subscribed, and to invite all of you who haven't.
Our goal is to educate you about using essential oils safely, effectively and funly.  Due to the very huge home-based market recently in essential oils, it seems like everyone has some, but very few know what to actually do with them.  We hear you.  We are here to help!

Ask A Question

Our launch this week was very successful.  If you are interested in purchasing a box, here is the website:
We will be having a weekly forum entitled "Tuesday Training" that anyone can participate in, whether you purchase a box or not.  Just keep your eye out for our blog on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/earthshealingboxes
If you have any questions, just send us an email at
or message us on Facebook.

What Does What?
Each essential oil is made up of several components which include "therapeutic properties."  These properties all have different jobs to do.  For example:
Peppermint contains a therapeutic property called antiemetic, that means that peppermint relieves nausea.  That is why peppermint tea can help you when you have a stomach ache.  The essential oils of peppermint have 25-75 more times the amount of healing properties in one drop that a cup of peppermint tea.  So make a blend of peppermint essential oil and olive oil and rub it on that tummy. The properties work fast and effectively at reducing nausea and inflammation.  Lavender, peppermint, tea tree, thyme, rosemary and hundreds of other essential oils contain an anti-inflammatory property that does just what the term implies: it reduces inflammation.

Making A Rub

One of the ways that people use their essential oils is, for example, someone with thyroid issues may want to know how to reduce their inflammation and regulate the thyroid to bring the body back into balance.  This person could use melissa, vetiver, peppermint, lemon or orange, which are full of anti-inflammatory properties, to oftentimes bring their thyroid issues under control.
You could bathe in a mixture of the oils, make a spray out of water and the oils, or even make rubs out the the essential oils to get the healing properties to be absorbed through the skin and the effective, healing components of the oils would go to work on that inflammation.  A great rub for this treatment would include:
1 ounce of carrier oil (sesame, coconut, grape seed, or any oil good for the skin)
5-8 drops of a mix of the above mentioned essential oils
Apply to the soles of the feet, back, neck or other non-sensitive areas of the body.

Do That Research

Researching, reading and learning about essential oils and their therapeutic properties is a never ending job.  There are so many oils and each one has different properties for different tasks.  Experiment, research and enjoy!  It's fun and exciting to learn a new recipe and use it on someone to bring a difference to their lives.

Earth's Healing Books

Earth's Healing is having our first essential oil book published early in 2016.  This book details each of the therapeutic properties for the top 100 essential oils and has tons of recipes for healing everyday ailments using your oils.  We will let you know when our book is ready for release.

What's In A Box?

Once you get your Earth's Healing Box in the mail, you will find recipes using everyday items along with your oils to help you to understand how to use them, how to make them, their history, their benefits and what the heck to do with those oils!  We hope to have a long future with all of you and we want you will let us and others know what you think of your boxes.

Training Tuesdays

Every Tuesday, we will have Training Tuesday designed to keep you up to date about your boxes, add a few tips and hints, and most importantly, answer some of the questions we receive from you wanting to know how to best use your oils.  We can't wait for our future endeavors with you, and don't forget to send us any suggestions you may have on how to make this experience more beneficial for you and others.


Much healing to you,
Earth's Healing team