Sunday, May 3, 2015

Easy Steps to Balancing Your Doshas With Oils

Vata, Pitta & Kapha
Your Doshas make up your constitution, health, happiness, personality and all physical and mental states.  There are 3 doshas: vata, pitta, and kappa.  Each dosha represents various physical and mental characteristics of each and every person on Earth.  Finding out which dosha primarily rules your emotions and health is the key to a lifetime of healing.

Eastern Medicine
In Ayerveda, discovering which dosha is out of balance is the first step to healing, physically and emotionally.  Doctors ask questions about your life, take not of your physical appearance, check your pulse, and determine which dosha you need to lessen, and which dosha needs to be increased.

Vatas are primarily slim, quick, leaders, flighty, and always seem to be working on a new project.  Vatas brains work fast, and they talk fast. Vatas have very dry skin and hair. Vatas seem to have incredibly high, highs, and low, lows. Vatas have increased anxiety, worry, and fear about of things in their life.  Nervous disorders are often associated with an over abundance of vata in your system.  If you want something done, ask a vata.

Pittas are very driven, and often to excess.  Stress is the main culprit in dealing with too much pitta.  Heart disease is prevalent in pittas due to their unnecessary stress.  Pittas are often characterized as fiery,   a great leader, judgmental, angry and organized.  Pittas often feel that others know what they are thinking and should fall in line with them.  When things don't work out, they get angry, stressed and overwork their hearts. Pittas rule the world and everyone else just follows them.

Kaphas tend to be overweight, lethargic, take on complicated tasks, thick hair, pale skin, steady, consistent and reliable.  Kaphas often seem dull as they affect that demeanor to protect themselves from pain.  Kaphas are not overly emotional or excitable, and this gives them the appearance to others of reliability.  Someone you can count on.  Kaphas sleep deeply, speak slowly and move through the world slowly.  But when a kappa makes a decision, it is usually after a lot of thought and deliberation.  Kaphas often have joint, digestive and water issues.

Recipe for Balance
Essential oils have been used forever to help one to balance their doshas.  When an overabundance of a
particular dosha reigns, chaos and illness follow.  Having the best components of each dosha makes us happy, healthy, well rounded individuals.  Try this recipe in your home and bring your doshas under control.

Tri-Doshic Blend

3 - drops tea tree oil
3 - drops rosemary oil
3 - drops saffron oil
1 - ounce grape seed or sesame oil
Place the essential oils into a small container.  Pour into the container the amount of carrier oil (grape seed oil, sesame oil, or any oil good for the skin) wanted.  Swirl and use to massage lightly the area desired.  Keep away from open wounds or sensitive areas. This can be repeated as needed. 

Yield:  1-2 applications.  Store unused portion in a jar with a tight fitting lid, in a cool, dark area for up to one month.

Feeling Fine
Balancing our doshas is not a one time thing.  When you notice yourself getting angry too often, find out which dosha is out of balance.  If you are running your self to death with different projects, use an essential oil to help bring that vata under control.  Feeling too sluggish to complete a task?  Reign in that kappa with an essential oil bath or diet.  Knowing your doshas and learning how to balance them in your life will help you to achieve the most perfect you!

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