Tuesday, September 29, 2015

What You Need to Know About Therapeutic Properties


Therapeutic properties: 
     1. Having or exhibiting healing powers.
     2. Of or relating to the medical treatment of a disease or condition.
I love these definitions about therapeutic properties.  The first definition has my favorite word..."powers."  We can all use some power when dealing with an ailment.  The 2nd definition lets you know that it is indeed treating that condition.  The therapeutic properties inherent in plants, trees, fruits, etc. were given to us by God to use on this Earth for treatment of every disease under the sun.  God knew that man could not survive the billions of germs, viruses, accidents and other factors on this planet without some sort of protection.  When we look at the healing properties of essential oils, we are looking at the power given to us by God to protect ourselves and our loved ones.

What Are the Therapeutic Properties?
The therapeutic properties have names such as anti-inflammatory, which means that this particular substance reduces inflammation.  I have compiled a list of the most commonly used properties and their definitions for your easy usage.  Below is a list of what each of the therapeutic properties mean.  This list is from a great essential oil learning site: www.nourishingtreasures.com This site is dedicated solely to teaching others about the benefits of essential oils.  I urge you to check it out.  If you go to this site, you will also see on this list essential oils that work for each of the therapeutic properties.

Alterative/Adaptogen – restores the body to health
Analgesic/Anesthetic – relieves or stops pain
Antacid – neutralizes acid (usually for the stomach)
Anthelminthic/Vermifuge – destroys worms and parasites and removes them from the digestive system
Anti-allergenic – reduces allergy symptoms
Anti-androgenic – works against testosterone or androsterone
Anti-anxiety – relieves or prevents anxiety and fearAnti-asthmatic – relieves or stops asthmatic symptoms, such as constriction and wheezing
Antibiotic/Antibacterial/Bactericide/Disinfectant – destroys bacteria
Anti-coagulant – prevents coagulation (usually in the blood)
Antidepressant/Antisudorific – relieves or prevents depression
Anti-dontalgic – relieves tooth pain
Antidiarrheal – relieves or stops diahrrea
Anti-edematous – relieves or prevents excessive fluid accumulation
Antiemetic – prevents or stops nausea and vomiting
Antifungal – destroys or prevents fungal growth
Antihypertensive – reduces hypertension (high blood pressure)
Anti-inflammatory – reduces inflammation
Anti-irritant – reduces irritation
Amtimicrobial/Antiseptic – prevents microbial growth Anti-neuralgic/Nervine/Neurotonic – soothes the nerves
Antioxidant – prevents oxidation and protects against the damage done by free radicals
Antiparasitic/Parasiticide – destroys parasites
Antophlogistic – reduces inflammation or fever
Antipyretic/Febrifuge – reduces or prevents high fever
Anti-rheumatic – reduces pain associated with rheumatism
Anti-scorbutic – prevents or relieves scurvy
Antispasmodic – prevents or relieves spasms
Antitussive/Bechic – relieves coughs
Antitumoral – destroys tumors
Antiviral – destroys viruses
Aperitive – stimulates the appetiteAphrodisiac – stimulates libido
Astringent – constricts tissues or pores
Bronchodilator – widens bronchial tubes to make breathing easier
Cardiotonic – helpful to the heart
Carminative – relieves or eliminates gas from the body
CNS Depressant/Sedatives/Tranquilizers – calms the brain and central nervous system (CNS)
Cholagogue – promotes bile flow
Choleretic – promotes secretion of bile from liver
Cicatrisant – promotes wound healing and tissue formation
Circulatory Stimulant – stimulates circulatory system
Cytotoxic – toxic to cells
Decongestant - relieves congestion
Demulcent – soothing, especially for throats
Deodorant – destroys or minimizes odors
Diaphoretic – promotes perspiration
Diuretic – promotes urine output
Emmenagogue – promotes menstrual flow and regulation
Expectorant – promotes expulsion of mucous from respiratory tract
Galactogogue – promotes lactation
Hemostat – stops bleeding
Hepatoprotective – liver-protecting
Hepatotoxic – liver-damaging
Hypertensive – increases blood pressure
Hypoglycemant – lowers blood sugar levels
Hypotensive – decreases blood pressure
Laxative – stimulates the bowels to relieve constipation
Lithotriptic – destroys kidney and/or bladder stones
Narcotic – alters mood, induces sleep, and relieves pain
Oestrogenic – estrogen-like properties
Phototoxic – causes the skin to become susceptible to burning
Sedative – able to calm or sedate
Soporific – causes sleep
Spasmolytic/Antispasmodic – prevents spasmsSudorific – promotes sweating
Vasoconstrictor – promotes high blood pressure by causing blood vessels to narrow
Vasodilator – promotes low blood pressure by causing blood vessels to open
Vermifuge/Anthelminthic – destroys worms and parasites and removes them from the digestive system
Vulnerary – promotes wound healing

Knowledge Is Power
Learning and becoming familiar with which essential oils have which properties can benefit you, your family and everyone you help in the future.  You can readily tell Aunt Sue that tea tree has anti-infectious properties and that it will help that cut on her arm.  You will let your mother know that rubbing a little lavender on her steam burn will help to reduce the pain and scarring from its vulnerary properties. Having a little knowledge about therapeutic properties will ultimately give you the power to heal.

Print this list out.  Work on memorizing these properties, so that in the future when you hear about a particular oil having a therapeutic property, you will know, understand, and catalogue it away for future use.

much healing to you,
Earth's Healing staff

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