Sunday, April 10, 2016


Good things coming this way.  Got a book coming out in July, got a feature in July/August issue of HEALTH magazine, Just got a new Publicist.  I just made a new author page.  This is crazy!  How did this all happen?  Life is GOOD!

I'm trying to get over a stuffy nose brought on by all this crazy pollen in the air.  It is making my car yellow, my patio furniture dirty and my nose stuffed up.  I may not be able to help you clean your furniture or your car, but I can help you to un-stuff your nose.

Just add the following essential oils to your diffuser and you will be breathing great in no time! I'm breathing it right now!  aaahhhh....
4 drops peppermint
3 drops eucalyptus
3 drops grapefruit

I told myself that I was going to just sit in front of the TV all day and watch reality TV while stuffing myself with Fritos.  But sadly, it hasn't turned out that way.  I wanted to get a "Roll-a-dex," you remember, the kind that you put phone numbers into?  Well, after a trip to Walmart and one to staples, I find out that they don't make them anymore. WHAT? Everybody keeps their stuff on the computer now.  Well, I don't.  I really, really want one.  UGH! So I have been in the attic, to stores, to my mom's junk room, everywhere I can think of looking for one.  No luck.  So I'm writing all my email info into a book.  A real book that I can touch.  And I don't have to have a password to open my book.  I just put my fingers in the pages and spread apart.  true love.
Excited about FTWD tonight!  Such great family time.  lol
love forever,

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