Sunday, September 8, 2013


Well, this holistic path I have been on has taken a very sharp turn.  You know the saying "never look for a Guru, your Guru will find you"?  Well, I have wanted to learn about Meditation for many years.  I have tried on my own, but being a type A personality...well, it just never worked.  And a Guru finding me in Saltillo, Tx....You must be kidding!

My daughter called me and told me of a woman in Tyler, a co-worker at her College, who is from India, taught meditation for many, many years in India, and wants students to teach for FREE!  What???? So of course I signed up right away.  This type of Meditation is called Sahaj Marg Sadhana, and is not religious, except they do believe in God, Yes, My God!  I questioned her extensively as I could no more give up my religion than to give up being female.  This practice is purely Spiritual, not religious.  It helps to bring you closer to God.  You don't have to chant, sit on the floor, or give up Jesus.  We sit in chairs and feel such a huge power in the room.  It's calming, uplifting, energetic and I love it.  It does require me driving to Tyler a lot, but you must make sacrifices a lot to reap rewards.

On another path of my Spiritual Journey, I have recently told you all about the book "the One Plan" by Yogi Cameron.  I outlined weeks one and two, but was so busy with all this meditation stuff, I forgot to fill you in on weeks 3 & 4.  As of today I am starting weeks 5& 6. So following is the part of the one plan that I feels pertains to me right now.  Keep in mind that I am continuing with weeks 1 & 2 practices and building on them and on and on.  It will never end, as these are lifetime commitments.  And not everything worth anything in life is easy. These things are all a part of my daily or weekly practice now.  Well, I TRY!

Weeks 3 & 4
1) spend 5 minutes each morning using presence practice (truthfulness) to focus on speaking/behaving honestly throughout the day.
2) Weekly- I will try to reverse one falsehood that I have been living with.
3) Continue to eat healthy and exercise.

1) Speak truthful thoughts to myself, no matter how much I don't want to hear it.
2) Continue to read spiritual material daily.

1) Be truthful and consistent about the path I seek.
2) Meditate daily reflecting on Truthfulness.

Weeks 5 & 6
1) Don't steal other's time
2) Don't steal conversations by overly talking about myself
3) Spend 5 minutes each morning using the presence practice to reflect on how I have stolen from others before, and how I will refrain from stealing from others today.

1) Do not indulge in behaviors that will steal mine or anyone else's health, moods or happiness.
2) When someone steals from me, instead of retaliation, I will pray for them and help them if possible.

1) Meditate daily about non-stealing
2) Continue with all spiritual practices.

Thank you, love you, Namaste, Time to OHM,

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