Sunday, August 18, 2013


Hi ya'll,
If you are anything like my family, then you are probably going through changes in your life and trying to better yourself physically, spiritually, environmentally and mentally.  There are so many paths to choose from to make these changes in your life.  I have finally found a concise, clearly written book that will take you slowly through 52 weeks of plans to change yourself inside and out the Ayurvedic way.
 I am already in LOVE with Yogi Cameron from his show on Veria living.  He helps people out by introducing them to Yoga, diet, exercise, meditating, aromatherapy and many other healing practices.  His newest book "The One Plan" (by Yogi Cameron Alborzian) offers the lay person an easily decipherable way to follow many practices that before now seemed muddled, too hard, and confusing. 
Every week or two in this book you will read a chapter about different paths, practices, diet, journeys and you can choose if you want to work on 20 different things, or only one.  It is totally up to each person to make this plan as hard or as easy as you would like.  For example, here is my list for weeks one and two that has to do with Abstentions and Truthfulness:

Goal: cut fake cigarette smoking in half.
Goal: Cut amount of food I eat in half.
Goal: No eating after 7 PM
Goal: Drink water at room temperature after 9pm
Goal: Cut Dr. Peppers and Coffee by half daily
Goal: 30 minutes of exercise daily
Goal: Throw away negative thoughts
Goal: 5 minute positive thought process before beginning each day.
Goal: Attempt something I fear daily.
Goal: 5 minutes meditation daily
Goal: prayer beads spoken daily
Goal: 15 minutes Yoga daily
Goal: watch more Veria and less reality TV
Goal: read 15 minutes of mindfulness daily (yoga journal, Bible, philosophy, etc.)
I will use less throw away water bottles.

That is everything I have decided to work on these first 2 weeks.  They do seem simple enough, and I am not really giving anything up.  I am reducing some things and adding some new things.  This first week was pretty good.  I did miss 2 days due to (insert excuse here), but realized how much better I felt about myself and how much better I feel about other people when I do all of the things on my list every day.  This is MY practice and I am so happy to have a simple guide to help me along this path.  Like you, I have already made many changes in my life in the last couple of years. I am gluten and sugar free.  I try to exercise every day.  I pray many times daily.  I try to be kind and truthful to others. 

When I think about the changes I am actively making, I feel very positive and feel like I will be a different, and better person physically, mentally and spiritually one year from now.  I will keep you all up to date on this journey and hope you will let me know how it is going for you as well.
Thyme to bend that body,

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