Wednesday, April 27, 2016



I'm sitting here typing, looking out my window, and there are so many bugs flying around.  I don't even know what they are!  Some kind of flies or termites?  I hate them and I want them all to die.  Here are a few recipes I am going to use today to get rid of those PESKS.  Essential oils have worked for thousands of years before we ever had any cans of chemicals to go buy.

OK, so if the truth be known...there are a few bugs i adore, such as the above moth that was resting on my wall.  I love butterflies, honeybees and cute caterpillars.  But I have to get rid of the biting, itchy, crawly bugs and spiders when I can.  Using citronella candles works pretty well, as does placing a cotton ball of peppermint in the window.

You can make a spray by following the following recipe and just use whichever essential oil takes care of whatever insect problem you have.  The spray is safe to use on yourself, your furniture and your hair or in the air...however you want to use it!


The supplies you need include: spray bottle, water, witch hazel, essential oil.  
Witch hazel is about $1 a bottle at Walmart.  It's a cheap preservative to keep your spray fresh for longer.  It comes from the witch hazel tree and is a natural ingredient.  I like to use witch hazel in all of my sprays for longevity.

I use a 2 ounce or a 4 ounce bottle when making my insect repellants.  Just put 20-40 drops of essential oil in the bottle, 1 teaspoon of witch hazel and fill with water.  You do have to shake it overtime you use it, because the oils and the water will separate.

The oils I use vary, and are dependent on which type of bug I am trying to get rid of.  Here is a list of oils you can use, or you can mix them, like I do.

Ants: peppermint & rosemary oils
Flies: peppermint, rosemary and lavender oils
Scorpions: basil oil
Mosquitoes: lavender, lemongrass and peppermint oils

Have fun with your blending and mixing!  Maybe eventually, we can all work together and eradicate bugs altogether!  lol
much love and healing to you,

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