The Beaver-Seal
So I am wandering outside, looking at the sunrise, and I stroll over the bridge at the pond. I see something so horrifying, I can only gasp in shock!!!!

A BIG creature. The size of a medium dog. It has the face of a seal. It stares at me while doing a backstroke down the pool. I am standing there in my nightie with my mouth hanging open...frozen! I spend a great deal of time looking at my pond and have never seen a seal-faced animal flipping and swimming and confidently taking a water-stroll up and down my pond. WTF?
I stand and stare at him, for 10 minutes, and his amazing adeptness and slinkiness with swim capabilities. He just stares back at me while contorting his body into different swimming positions. He's proud of his abilities. He wants me to see what all he can do. Backstroke, dive, head stand, butterfly stroke. He is guru of them all.
Being of the "digital age" I run in the house and get my camera. When I get back outside, he is no longer showing his body and mastery of the water. He is far at the end of the pond, with only his face peeking out. He takes a dive...gone! Dang.
I run in the house screaming at my husband, "There's a beaver-seal in our pool!" He says, "It's an otter." He is not excited in the least. The most amazing natural encounter I've ever had, and he just wants his coffee. I looked it up. The beaver-seal will eat all my fish. Dang. The circle of life.

I did not take this pic. But you can see exactly why I confused him with a beaver-seal. The similarities are astounding!
The Rest of the Day
I am going to spend today cooking beans, cornbread and bar-b-que. I am going to write some on the two books I turned in to my agent. I have chapters I need to add, and today is the day! How lucky am I? I get to spend this entire day doing whatever I want. Man, life is good!
I have had 2 book signings for Essential Oils for Healing since I last blogged. One was at the Bookworm Box in Sulphur Springs and the other was at Star Dragonfly Herb Co. in Winnsboro. Both of them were so much fun and we had a great time. Thanks to everyone who came to support us. Any other bookstores or herb shops need an author? I'm free! Call me... I find I LOVE doing this.
Lots o' Links
I would also like to take the time out here to thank the magazines and the bloggers who have featured our book. Without you, us new authors would never get anyone to notice us or to buy our books. Thank you so much for all your hard work and your reviews, questions, patience and love. A special thank you to Maryse and Vilma. I love you both so much! So happy you do what you love to do.
So thank you people everywhere for featuring Essential Oils for Healing.

If you would like a signed copy of our book, click on this link:
Check out my earlier blogs for a chance of a give-a-way for 3 of our books.
Everybody, have a happy, healthy and safe Sunday.
Thyme to cook,