Welcome to Training Tuesday. Today I would like to talk about the difference in the brands of essential oils and to give you a few of our favorites.
There is as wide of a variety in the ingredients in each essential oil as there are essential oils. Of course you always want to get a therapeutic brand of essential oils, and 100% pure oils, if possible and when possible. In some instances, for example, rose oil, you would more than likely get a blend, but it is way to expensive to buy 100% pure rose oil. I, myself, have never even owned one drop of pure rose essential oil.
How Do I Know If My Oil Is Pure?
Read the labels, study about essential oils and check up on the websites. Sometimes, just because an oil is expensive, does not necessarily mean that it is good. The very best essential oils are the ones that you trust and know about. Knowledge is power. Learn the different brands. While it is true that it may be 100% lemon oil, are they using the rind? The juice? The tree? The roots? The leaves? This is where your research comes in to play.
Who Do I Trust?
I have been using and studying essential oils for a very long time. Some of the top of the line essential oils I have found are Florihana, Nature's Gift, Elizabeth Van Buren, Sun Rose Aromatics, Native American. I love these oils so much, even though they are pricey, I know I am getting oils obtained from the region in which these plants are indigenous, and they are peaked and processed at exactly the right time. I never question these companies as I know I am always getting not only therapeutic 100% essential oils, but I am getting "clinical" grade essential oils. These are some oils I would not diffuse or put on a bead. I use these oils strictly for medicinal purposes.
Yes, you heard me correctly. I love a cheap $3 bottle of orange essential oil. I use it in my diffuser and on my essential oil jewelry. I have tons of cheap oils that I buy from craft shows, friends and drugstores. They are great for using as a fragrance, because usually, the only therapeutic property you can get out of a cheap essential oil is aromatic. You can pick up almost any brand of essential oil and it will say "100% pure essential oils." And it is true....but some of those essential oils may be sesame oil, olive oil or mineral oil, or parts of the plant that have no therapeutic properties at all.
Think about this; you buy meat from the store. You may buy steak, hamburger, or hot dogs. In most cases, you can look at them all as being 100% meat. But you know that they may consider meat to be skin, ligaments, tissues that you don't generally want to eat....but it is all meat!
The same thing can be said about essential oils. They may be 100% essential oils, but are they from the peak part of the plant? For example, if you want rose oil, you may get beautiful oil from the petals, or you may get the distillation of the leaves, stems and roots. But they are BOTH 100% essential oil from roses.
A Box is a Box is a Box
True...but it's what's inside the box that matters. We have monthly subscription boxes available to the public each month that have top of the line essential oils, recipes, various blends, EO jewelry, educational materials, free gifts and various essential oil tools included. Each month may contain a variety of surprises, but one thing that is consistent in our monthly boxes is the top notch essential oils each month. We will never, ever buy less than perfect essential oils to send to our customers. Check out our website and our facebook page. This might be just what you are looking for.
In Conclusion...
So experiment, buy three different types of tea tree or whatever oil you like. Are they similar in color? Do they smell the same? Which one works and which one doesn't? Keep a log of your experiences. But by all means, continue using your "not so good" oils along with your excellent oils, just use them for something besides clinical/medicinal purposes.
Often times if you email or message companies and ask them for some samples of their essential oils, they will send them to you, free of charge, like a few of my samples below. Just tell them what you are looking for and in a couple of weeks you will get a package in the mail with oils in it that you may never be able to afford buying a whole bottle of. Keep learning, keep practicing and keep on oiling!
Much health to you,
Earth's Healing staff

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