Sunday, September 2, 2012

T3 is up!

Welcome fellow Herbalists,
We have had a very productive few days....and it is on-going and never at Time To Thyme.  We have set up our distribution center.  It is homey, comfortable and most of all...HERBAL HEAVEN!  We have been busy making soaps with essential oils, decanting tinctures, bagging up lovely herb teas and many other fun projects.  We are getting ready for our debut day in Canton in November.  We are very excited and hope you all stop by our booth. 

My favorite thing this weekend, besides spending grueling, hardworking hours with my family, was to make some Calendula Oil.  This is what I will use in my never ending battle with Eczema.  I have been trying to get around to making some forever.  So this was my week to do it.  I can't wait for decanting day.  I will soak myself in that oil.  I will bathe in that oil.  That oil will be me!

If you are ever around Saltillo, and know where Colleen's old home was, then call/text me and I will meet you at T3 and give you a tour!  We have accomplished so much in just 2 weeks it's incredible.  You have to see the mala beads that Chele has spent so much time making.  They are so adorable...and they WORK!  (I know this because we wouldn't have our distribution center without many prayers said with these same beads!)

We have made numerous little bottles of tincture to help with everything from depression to poison ivy!  These are the same tincture recipies that people have used for thousands of years all over the world.  So we have a LOT of history that says YES they do work.  I am my biggest experimentor of tinctures and teas.  I love to use them on myself for every little thing (and every big thing too!)

We also worked (and tasted many times) several different tea blends to come up with some really great teas that not only taste good, but are good for you.  Some of the teas are for health, some are for healing, some are for calming and some are just cause they taste so good. You just can't beat that with a stick!

I found out that I have a great passion for soap making.  I love cooking it, choosing the molds, essential oils and colorings to add to the soaps.  I love watching them cure and looking at how pretty they are....but most of all I love USING them.  They make my skin feel so good, and they make me smell so good :)

Well, now that we have our center set up, our website updated (thank you LIN!) and are through spending all of our nights after work cleaning and arranging, it sure is fun to finally use the place and make some great products to share with you all.  Just visit our website and you can see all of the items we have developed here at Time to thyme.
Thyme to play,

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